A Guide to Transitioning to a State-based Exchange


Recently, New Jersey and Pennsylvania made the transition from Federally Facilitated Marketplaces (FFM) to State-based Marketplaces (SBMs). They joined 13 other SBM states plus the District of Columbia with their own state governance and technology when administering their Affordable Care Act health insurance marketplaces. 

Why and how do states transition to SBMs? Download this eBook and learn:

  • A brief history of SBMs
  • The benefits of transitioning to a state-based exchange
  • Steps to take to transition to an SBM
  • And more!



Discover the Benefits of Transitioning to an SBM

Better Enrollment Outreach

Better Enrollment Outreach

States can allocate more resources to outreach and target specific populations within their states.

Better Integration With Other State Programs

Better Integration With Other State Programs

States with SBMs are better able to integrate with their state Medicaid determination process, unemployment agencies and more.

More Bang for Your Buck

Get More Bang for Your Buck

Instead of paying the federal government to access their enrollment platform, states can create a customized enrollment experience.

Learn What Steps Other States Took to Transition

When Colorado rolled out their state exchange - Connect for Health Colorado - they created a brand launch program that ran from July to September to help build brand awareness. When Pennsylvania decided to transition to a state-based exchange, they got buy-in from legislative stakeholders by showing how the state-based exchange could save the state money. Learn those stories and more by downloading this free eBook.

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