A Guide to Premium Billing Software for Health Insurers


Insurers leverage premium billing software to bill customers. That may include individual members on or off a health insurance exchange, groups of members who share an employer, or Medicare Advantage groups or individuals.

Premium billing software streamlines billing processes by automating steps like invoice generation, communication, payment, remittance, and commission management.

Download this eBook and learn:

  • The benefits of modern premium billing software
  • The components and features of premium billing software
  • How to find and review premium billing solutions
  • And more!



Learn the Key Benefits of Premium Billing Software


Time Savings

Whether that’s the time it takes to export data for a delinquency notification mail merge, or manually reconciling payments, poor billing software can negatively impact the productivity of billing teams.


Happier Members

Premium billing is an often overlooked touchpoint that impacts member satisfaction. Billing experiences prone to error can drive down NPS scores while driving up calls to your call center.


Reduced Billing Costs 

By automating processes, improving payment rates, and achieving economies of scale that may be difficult for individual health plans to achieve, premium billing software helps reduce billing costs.

The Future of Premium Billing Software is Modular.

Instead of using the less-functional billing suite included in their core administration platform, health insurers are turning to modular premium billing solutions. By leveraging web services or other integrations, these systems can ingest enrollment
and rate data, subsidy information (like low-income subsidies for Medicare Advantage), and additional fees (like late enrollment penalties). Modular solutions also offer additional features, like automated delinquency management, remittance management, and integrated payment portals.

Future of health insurance

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